Fabio's Ultimate Hair Care Guide for Fall
The autumn season means lower humidity levels in the air, resulting in dry hair.
Also, frigid conditions combined with artificial heat indoors can suck moisture from the hair, leaving it dry and brittle and worsening scalp conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, etc.
Rehydrating hair often restores softness and moisture to dry brittle hair. Lastly, amping up your hydration is essential if you suffer from hair breakage.
Here are some tips to update your routine:
Tip #1: Change Your Shampoo & Conditioner
Your shampoo and conditioner should not strip your hair of its natural oils but should clean it. Try something new for the new season!
Tip #2: Give Your Hair An Extra Dose Of Moisture
Including a mask or gloss treatment that gives your hair a healthy shine to your autumn hair care routine is essential. Consider a weekly deep conditioning treatment to fight tangles and static hair. Using a leave-in conditioner is also an effective hair care tip for fall as it is known to give dry, frizzy hair the needed dose of moisture to help restore shine and keep it hydrated all day long.
Tip #3: Trim Up Your Hair
Especially after a summer of sun and swimming, trimming your ends is a simple step that goes a long way. Dead ends, also known as split ends are like dead weight. If you let them be, they may compromise your hair health by latching onto healthy ends, causing frizz and tangles, and damaging your hair strands. Or if you're feeling like you want to switch things up - a change in seasons is a perfect time to try a new haircut.
Tip #4: Stay Hydrated
Dehydration can lead to weak, unhealthy hair. Water helps transport nutrients around your body, especially those responsible for hair health. We always recommend drinking plenty of water, to strengthen, and moisturize healthy hair from within.